America’s demise and Islam’s renaissance
Heinous failure in Afghanistan and fully dependence and double game with Pakistan, endless support to the despotic regimes in the Arab world without keeping in notice the sentiments of masses just to secure the safety of only one country have drowned USA to complete humiliation on the one hand and on the other hand opening several fronts at once to fight enemies has cost its all financial might as money goes back through the same channels from where it was obtained.
By Fahmida Abdul Sattar
Heinous failure in Afghanistan and fully dependence and double game with Pakistan, endless support to the despotic regimes in the Arab world without keeping in notice the sentiments of masses just to secure the safety of only one country have drowned USA to complete humiliation on the one hand and on the other hand opening several fronts at once to fight enemies has cost its all financial might as money goes back through the same channels from where it was obtained.
Whatsoever happened with Muslims in 20th century, be it good or bad, but 21st century is wishing them a renaissance of their previous glory that world witnessed during 7th till 12 century despite the fact that West, the major opponent of Muslim world strove hard to stop them. The renaissance of Islam had been foreseen by Many western intellectuals , (though it is an other thing that among Muslims, several scholars had also predicted the downfall of Western might too) and various think tanks had also suggested different ways to halt and delay that renaissance or in reality to crush them. For that purpose the drama of 9/11 was also played and it worked so successfully to scrap the uprising power of Muslims. When ostensibly, in retaliation to 9/11 attack, US attacked Afghanistan with its full might along with its allies so no body, for a bit thought that this highly sophisticated and powerful army with big weapon market can ever be defeated at the hands of backward Taliban who use traditional weapons to counter their enemies but world witnessed that US army is taking its last breathes in Afghanistan and all have admitted US failure in Afghanistan as US is seeking an “honorable” exit from the quagmire of Afghanistan where world’s once superpowers experience their last days of glorious might with complete humiliation. Similar is being experienced by US army now. And European Union is just drawing lessons from Afghan war therefore it has kept deafening silence over international issues.
It was, no doubt, Taliban and Al-Qaeda who defeated Afghanistan on military ground but it is also a flagrant reality that on strategic issues it was Pakistan that troubled USA . US attack on Afghanistan was not just to teach lesson to Taliban in response to 9/11 attack but US came to this region with an agenda to hit two targets with one sword and of course the second target was Pakistan’s Islamic identity and its nuclear assets which could neither be abandoned nor did Pakistan strain from its traditional policy of assisting and aiding the suppressed nations. The world of Pakistan’s enemies really got stunned in 2008 when, despite US utmost efforts to abstain Pakistan from any anti-India move, Pakistan extended its military support to Sri lanka for its war against Tamils who had irritated Sri Lankan Government and Army for more than 25 years but Pakistan’s military support brought India-funded Tamil to their knees and compelled them to surrender before the Sri Lankan government within short period of a month.
Second blow from Pakistan came when Pakistani people without any distinction of sect, language and provincialism took to street to get restored the sacked judiciary. It was a kind of judicial revolution that truly gave hope to the impoverished masses against exploiting elites.
The third and to date the last blow is the assassination of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer who was murdered for going against the Islamic provisions of constitution particularly calling the blasphemy law as “Black law” and attempting to spare a Christian blasphemer from capital punishment. It is clearly evident after 9/11 that the attempts of secular forces
to secularize the country’s system had reached their peaks but in the end produced no desired result in the country despite unlimited funds from Western countries to the concerned NGOs.
Similar news are from Iraq which was its an other battleground and from there USA had to expand its war to Iran in pretext to stop Iran from nuclear enrichment but world also watched that only few countries sided America’s unjust stance and favoured Iran’s very right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.
One can question as to why America pursued an adventurous policy against the Muslim world that led it to a disastrous demise. It was Israel that needed security to continue its illegal existence and strangulating occupation of Palestinian land. It is the same country for whose survival west has been bolstering oppressive tyrants in the Arab world.
But as the 21st century steps into its second decade, bad news starting to show up from this side of the world as well when people of Tunisia launched an uprising through the social networking and other fellow Arabs, being ruled by the same oppressive tyrants as Tunisian leader, also followed them through the same method. People were threatened to harsh punishment but nothing frightened their spirits and to date they have been protesting in the streets of Cairo , Amman , Tunis , and Beirut and so on. It is expected soon other Arab countries will also join them for people’s anger has boiled over to spill. Apart from these tyrannies there are some other Muslim countries which are not showing up any uprising because they have brought change through the ballot boxes such as Iran , Turkey , Palestine etc.
Heinous failure in Afghanistan and fully dependence on and double game with Pakistan, endless support to the despotic regimes in the Arab world without keeping in notice the sentiments of masses just to secure the safety of only one country have drowned USA to complete humiliation on the one hand and on the other hand opening several fronts at once to fight enemies has cost its all financial might as money goes back through the same channels from where it was obtained.
Yvonne Riddley rightly said that USA should do one last thing that it should send Air Force One to the region to collect all despotic rulers for it will be a last thing America can do in its favor. I would just appeal that while sending Air Force One America should not forget Pakistan for it tamed some democratic tyrants here too.
Although there is one more big thing that Muslims all over the world have to do after rectifying from their homeland is to retaliate Israel ’s obscenity, persecution, terrorism in the region. If Jews are not willing to either go back to Diaspora or their Parent's birthplace so they should be displaced to the Hell by any means.